Tempeh And Your Health: Everything You Need To Know

Tempeh And Your Health: Everything You Need To Know

Tempeh And Your Health: Everything You Need To Know

Wondering what all the buzz about Tempeh is? Is it really a vegetarian superfood that’s healthier than paneer or tofu?

In this article, we take a look at its health benefits and the reason behind its amazing nutritional facts. 

If you aren’t already convinced about Tempeh, then this is a must-read.

Tempeh And Its Health Benefits


Tempeh is Nutrient Dense

Tempeh is a complete source of protein (Contains all 9 Essential Amino Acids) and has a great macro and micronutrient profile. 

100g of Tempeh consists of: 

  • Calories:  178 kcal ( 9% RDA)*
  • Protein: 19 g (35% RDA)
  • Total Fat: 6.8 g (10% RDA)
  • Saturated Fat: 1.4g (6% RDA)
  • Unsaturated Fat: 5.4 g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 10.1g (8% RDA)
  • Dietary Fiber: 8.5g (28% RDA)
  • Net Carbohydrates: 1.6g 
  • Sugars: 0g
  • Iron: 30% RDA ( Hello Tempeh is fortified with iron)
  • Vitamin B-12- 49% RDA ( Hello Tempeh is fortified with Vitamin B-12)
  • Calcium: DV13% RDA
  • Potassium: 8% RDA

*According to the ICMR-NIN report, 2020. Percent daily values (%DV) are based on a 2000-calorie diet. Your daily values may differ depending on your calorie needs.

Tempeh is: 

  • Packed with gut-friendly protein (19g per 100g - 35% RDA)
  • Good for the gut (fermented, rich in probiotics)
  • High in fubre and low in carbohydrates
  • Low fat and cholesterol-free (1.4 g of saturated fat per 100g)
  • Packed with other micronutrents (B-Vitamins, Iron, Calcium)
  • Really low glycemic index

Is Tempeh Good For Gut Health?


    Hello Tempayy’s Tempeh is made via controlled fermentation of soybeans for 36 hours along with a starter culture that includes Rhizopus Oligosporus or Rhizopus Oryzae. 

    This starter culture along with the fermentation means Tempeh is loaded with probiotics i.e. healthy bacteria/yeast that are great for the gut. A lot of issues can be traced to poor gut health, poor immune system, inflammation or allergies, probiotics help fight them all. 

    Furthermore, fermentation also breaks down the phytic acid in the soybeans so the starch gets digested easily, unlike with paneer or tofu which can cause indigestion.

    Weight Loss and Lean Muscle Building

    A protein and fibre-packed diet helps you stay full longer by reducing the hunger hormone Ghrelin. Well, 100g of Hello Tempayy Tempeh comes with 19g of protein and 8.5g of fibre which is much higher than that of paneer or tofu. 

    So if you are on a weight loss journey, it is just the kind of ingredient you need.

    Furthermore, protein also helps repair muscle tears. If you are grinding it out at the gym and rely more on natural, vegetarian protein sources rather than shakes, Tempeh boosts protein intake effortlessly.

    Also, read about 5 high protein vegan foods that can help in weight loss.

    Cholesterol Control

    Did you know that all meat-based protein and even paneer have cholesterol? On the other hand, Hello Tempayy’s Tempeh comes with zero cholesterol. 

    Not just that, this study proves that soy isoflavones help lower LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. So if you already have cholesterol and want to switch to a healthy, heart-friendly diet, Tempeh is the way to go.

    But that’s not all,

    And another study with 42 participants eating either animal-based protein or soy protein over 6–weeks showed that soy protein helped lower LDL by 5.7%. Compared to the 4.4% of meat protein.

    Also, read a guide to foods rich in soy.

    And talking specifically about Tempeh, this study shows how Tempeh can help alcohol-induced liver damage in mice.

    Improves Bone Health

    If you have old parents at home with osteoporosis or weakening bones, Tempeh is the right food for them. That’s because 100g of Hello Tempayy's Tempeh makes up for 13% of the daily recommended dietary allowance for calcium. 

    This study by NCBI shows that calcium in Tempeh is absorbed just as well as calcium in milk. So if you prefer a dairy-free diet, Tempeh is a great alternative.

    Diary is usually the main source of protein but it also has lactose. If you are lactose intolerant and cannot have milk or paneer, then Tempeh is the obvious choice and our Tempeh is also lactose-free.

    Lowers Oxidative Stress

    You already know soy isoflavones help lower cholesterol but that’s not all. These isoflavones also have antioxidants that have been shown to eliminate free radicals from the body.

    In case you didn’t know, the more free radicals in the body, the higher the chances of diabetes, heart diseases, or worse, cancer. 

    Also, compared to other soybean products, studies show that antioxidants in Tempeh are more active, helping you fight off life-threatening diseases more efficiently. 

    Also, read a vegan diet guide for diabetes.

    Fortified With Iron and Vitamin B12

    At Hello Tempayy, we fortify the Tempeh with Vitamin B-12 so it meets 49% of your daily recommended dietary allowance.

    Vitamin B-12 improves red blood cell formation, in turn, helping you fight off anemia. Furthermore, a B-12 deficiency also lowers minerals in the bones which increase the chances of osteoporosis or makes it worse. 

    Furthermore, it also impacts mood. If you find yourself feeling low too often or crankier than ever, do get yourself checked for vitamin B-12 deficiency.

    That is because B-12 is needed to produce serotonin. Serotonin is a hormone that is also known as the mood stabilizer that can also impact your sleep quality.

    Food derived from soybeans contain high amounts of iron. Similarly, a 100-gram serving of tempeh contains 2.7mg iron, which approximately equals to 20% of the RDI. This iron content can help people restore their iron levels and prevent instances of anaemia. 

    Tempeh and Diabetes

    Research studies have shown that fermented soybean products like tempeh and natto aid in the control and prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Research also showed that consumption of fermented soy products before and during early pregnancy were linked to lower risk of gestational diabetes mellitus. Additionally, the results of these studies also confirmed a reduction the overall triglyceride levels of the individuals who were given the tempeh supplements.


    Tempeh is more than just a food for building lean muscles or weight loss alone. This protein rich food is super beneficial for health.

    Anyone that wants to switch to a healthier lifestyle should consider Tempeh, especially considering the current choices, Paneer and Tofu cannot match the nutritional value.

    Apart from that, Hello Tempayy provides pre-marinated Tempeh Cubes in 5 different flavours. Each of these can be used in a variety of recipes ranging from rolls, Tempeh Makhni, to even Tempeh Manchurian. Pre-marinated Tempeh is really easy and convenient to cook- Just pan-toss with a bit of oil for 5-7 mins and it is ready to be added to your favorite recipes.

    Also read how to cook tempeh like a masterchef.

    Furthermore, Tempeh is porous and has a neutral flavour which means it absorbs the flavour of the condiments way better than paneer or tofu that only coats, ensuring a burst of flavour in your mouth that you haven’t experienced before.

    Also read how to get healthier with plant based proteins.


    • 200 g

      Tawa Masala Tempayy Cubes

    • 2 Nos

      Sliced Onions

    • 1/4 each

      Sliced bell peppers

    • 1 Tsp

      Jeera powder

    • 1 Nos

      Cubed onion

    • 1 Tsp

      Chat Masala

    • 1/2 Tsp

      Salt To Taste

    • 2 Tsp


    • 2 Tsp

      Fresh Corriander

    • 2 Tsp

      Kasuri methi

    • Chapathi/ Indian bread of choice

    • 2 Tbsp

      Mint Chutney


    1. Sautee Tawa Masala Tempayy cubes for 4-5 mins and keep aside.

    2. Heat some oil in a pan and sautee sliced onions till transclucent.

    3. Add the peppers and the sauteed Tempayy cubes and give it a good toss.

    4. Add jeera powder, chat masala, fresh coriander and salt. Stir well for couple of minutes. Keep aside.

    Kathi Roll

    1. Layer the roti with mint chutney, sauteed Tempayy cubes filling.

    2. Roll the roti, cut into two and serve with mint chutney.


    Tempeh is one of the best natural vegetarian sources of protein with a high protein and fibre content thanks to the natural fermentation process. For even the most inexperienced cook, the preparation of Tempeh is simple: simply unbox and use as cubes or mince the Tempeh, season/ marinate it liberally with your choice of spices, and sautee the Tempeh with a bit of oil for five to seven minutes. ...

    Tempeh is plant-based, dairy-free, and gluten-free, with 19 grams of protein per 100 grams and only 1.6 grams of net carbs.

    It has a mild nutty flavour and a slightly spongy, solid texture. Because the tempeh cubes absorb flavours well , we recommend seasoning even the flavoured cubes if you want the flavour to pop.

    Thanks to the porous nature of tempeh, it absorbs the flavours of whatever it's mixed with and helps make a tempeh biryani that is quick to cook yet packs a savoury punch.

    If you want the original taste of biryani but want to make it at home, we are here with a quick vegetarian biryani recipe for you to savour at lunch or at dinner!

    Get yourself ready for a quick tempeh lunch today and smash your nutrition goals!